CAP's Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships between students. This program can help newer CAP students learn from those who have been in their shoes - from working through academic challenges, to exploring more about different career paths in the field, to focusing on your overall well-being.
NEW! FALL 2024 DRAWING FOR CAP PRINTER CREDITSAll mentor/mentee pairs who complete all parts of the CAP Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program by December 1, 2024, will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 printer credit. Both mentor and mentee will each receive the credits if their partnership is drawn. To "complete all parts of the CAP Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program," both mentor and mentee will need to mark "complete" all milestones assigned to them from their connection dashboard by the due dates listed next to each item. Mentor and mentee partnerships who have marked off all milestones due before Dec 1, 2024 will be entered into the drawing. Up to 4 partnerships will be selected as winners, a total of 8 students.
Why Become a Mentor?
- GAIN a sense of purpose and belonging
- DEVELOP feedback and critical thinking skills
- GROW your resume with this opportunity
- ADVANCE your communication and leadership skills
COMMITMENT: 1 hour per month for one full semester.
Why Become a Mentee?
- GROW your network of support and community
- LEARN to navigate academic challenges
- DEVELOP your communication and self-confidence
- EXPLORE opportunities to grow and challenge yourself
COMMITMENT: 1 hour per month for one full semester.
One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination. - John C. Maxwell